Monday, June 21, 2010

The Allegory that is my life

So, while this is probably painfully obvious to everyone, I had a realization.

See, I've come up with this idea for a comic, "The Revengenators"...working name....but in it two average guys make an attempt at, what I can only describe as, a nearly pathetic amateur attempt at mercenary work. They go about "enacting missions of revenge", as given to them by local customers, in the same way any common person (who's seen enough action movies and played enough video games) would try to tackle situations, although usually blowing things out of proportion...minus a bit of common sense. Because they are just average people, they don't have access to "state-of-the-art" equipment and make due with what they can get (think partially Kick Ass, mixed with Punisher, and a little Macgyver thrown in yet watered down in the intelligence); common access weapons like baseball bats, machetes, hatchets, knives, gun powder and simple explosives, etc.

Now...these guys share alot in common with where I am in life...partially because they're be doing what I've wanted to do since I was in kindergarten (which I won't lie, has been re-born inside of me since seeing Kick Ass and being let down by not seeing news reports of people being vigilantes). But mainly because they're attempting to do something and doing it very far from professional. Same thing I'm doing with my web-comic project.

Many of my writing seems to reflect stuff in my life this same way...characters with cheating spouses (almost every story I wrote in high school had some reflection of this theme), people dealing with psychological stress by indulging in carnal acts of murder (not that I have but goddamnit I've wanted to so many times...), etc.

The therapy that is writing I suppose.

Well, back to the comic work. Hey, I might be still in the amateur stage, but hell if I ain't having fun with it.

However, I have one favor to ask...actually two:

1. If you like anything you see in my comic blog, or my friend's blog : .


2. If you really like what you see on them, click the ads. Think of it as paypal donations without having to actually paying outa pocket.

also, p.s

opinions on this idea for a comic i had up above are appreciated.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Got a new blog

Ok, so I know, "Got a New Blog" when I barely post here,

but this one i'm uploading all my comics too.

Link to it's up there someplace on this thing,

and here:

Let me know what you think,

Monday, June 7, 2010

So I have something to keep be preoccupied now

From the lack of pretty much having something to both keep me busy, or somewhat exercising my mind in a way, I've posted a question to my friends for ideas to base stories off of, more or less looking for some interesting situation which I could work with. Got a few good ideas for a first round, gonna ask again a few more times and maybe just get the bones of a few stories started out of them. Deciding if I should start posting them here, most of them will probably only be short stories anyway. See if I can get something going with them at least. It's actually proved pretty fun.

For the mean time, this is going to be I do with myself, not a lot of places hiring where I can get just a part time for the summer out here, not too much luck with out in Albany either. Thinking of finding a place I can just do like volunteer work to help keep me busy even. That would at least help me build a better looking resume right now when looking for internships when next semester starts. And after my last semester's English classes, I need something to keep my creative mind busy. I've gotten back to having fun writing.

Also, started reading again. Waiting for Suarez's second book to come out in paper back, and gotten back to Stephen King for enjoyment instead of TV or video games. Actually right now reading The Dead Zone, and I'm going to get back to that.

More later