Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Everything ends

Mmkay, back from my week long repose of sorts,

To starts things off, Rest In Peace Elizabeth McCumber, my Great Grandma. You'll be forever remembered, forever loved and forever have a place in my heart. We all knew it was only a matter of time that God would put you back beside Great Grandpa.

I miss you dearly, but I know you'll always be there to guide me through life.

Just yesterday, after coming back to SUNY Albany and having a final dinner with my friends, I passed by a group of people trying to change the tire on their car and thought to myself, "...gram would kick me if I didn't see if they needed help...". Sure enough, when I pulled my car up, they needed a tire iron (and someone to show them how to actually get a tire off of a car).

Karma is a real thing people. You do good unto the world and good returns. After seeing these people off, I go to start up my car, and find it dead. The culprit-my battery. Not that it died, but the genius who sold me the car messed up one of the terminals on the battery, and no connection was going through to my car. Thankfully, I'm a Triple A + member, and was able to have it towed my girlfriend's house, at no charge. This might not seem all that good, but the fact this happened to me while on campus, instead of driving down to my dorm on the downtown campus, or worse driving up 90 to get my girlfriend from work.

Speaking on this, I want to take a moment to say how fortunate I am to have not only my girlfriend, but my family, her family, and everyone I know, to help me when I need them. This last week has been extremely taxing on me (pure emotion from losing my gram, stress over finals, the whole spiel with my car,), and without them I don't think I'd have made it through.

On the lighter side, I'd recently picked up Tim Schafer's Brutal Legend, and I have to say. Very impressing. The game play is so-so, combat is a button mashers delight, simple combos and the use of music as a weapon was nice. The RTS element of it I feel could have been handled better, the actual stage battles were pretty fun, though at times could be an annoying grind. The story itself was surprisingly deep (considering the main character being voiced by Jack Black). But what really capture me, was the stunningly beautiful landscaping of the world, the amazing way the designers crafted instruments of metal into damn near everything in sigh. Overall, for $20 this is a must-have.

That's really it for now,

oh yea, click the ads please and thank you.

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